Not a single person had control over who their parents were, the environment they were born into, or their early life experiences- yet those are the influences that shaped who we became.
Beneath all of that- is you.
The real you.
The you, you were meant to walk through life as.
Somatic work allows us to gently pull back those layers, and take a deeper look at who we are. Learn to meet our needs as they were not met early on, and rewrite the story of how we show up in this world.
Your blocks are only as real to the degree that you are unwilling to face them. I am here to create a space and facilitate the experience for you to do just that.
To break through the illusion that you aren't already everything you've been searching for.
That is the intention dripped into every offer I make, every session I guide, every post I share.
We may not remember the first time we were taught to make ourselves small for the sake of others. Or learned that if we could just do everything right, we'd be loved. But our bodies keep a running log of all these life shaping interactions deep in our subconscious.
Most conventional methods of healing keep us in our minds. Simply thinking about what we'd like to change. However, thoughts are the least effective place to implement deep change because they are driven by emotion. Until you learn to work with emotion, it will be a constant battle to manage intrusive thoughts and limiting beliefs.
Emotion is stored in the body. Somatic work invites our bodies to be part of the conversation in our healing journey. Allowing us explore the depths of what is really holding us back from our full potential from the root.